[fedora-arm] Raspberry Pi and Eclipse

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 12:52:52 UTC 2011

On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Gordan Bobic <gordan at bobich.net> wrote:
>  Acording to the documentation on raspberrypi.org, it would seem that
>  Raspberry Pi are dropping Ubuntu in favour of Fedora because Ubuntu is
>  dropping support for ARMv5/ARMv6 (yay!).
>  Also, according to the Raspberry Pi wiki, they expect that Eclipse will
>  work. That doesn't appear to be the case at the moment. Has anybody
>  managed to get Eclipse to build on ARM recently? Or has Eclipse ARM port
>  been given up on?

Eclipse requires Java. Java will be supported on F15+ without issue,
if someone was interested in doing the work for F-14 it would be
supported there as well.


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