[fedora-arm] Who's using Kirkwood?

Gordan Bobic gordan at bobich.net
Thu Oct 11 10:18:49 UTC 2012

On 10/11/2012 11:03 AM, Peter Robinson wrote:

>>>>>>> The x86 port still supports a Pentium, I don't see any reason to drop
>>>>>>> support for kirkwood.  Is it really that much extra effort?
>>>>>> It is surprisingly quite a lot of effort.
>>>>> Oh?  Could you elaborate on that?  What "quite a lot of effort" does it
>>>>> take?
>>>>    From my experience of rolling a similar distribution, if the kernel code
>>>> works as it's supposed to, a day or so of tweaking the configs, followed
>>>> by
>>>> about a day of compiling (in a 1.2GHz Kirkwood).
>>>> If there are issues? Much longer because the compile takes so long.
>>> I don't have 2 days to spare to deal with that. If someone else does
>>> that is absolutely fabulous. I'm yet to see them actually step up to
>>> the plate and do the work. Clearly you're not interested in doing any
>>> work what so ever, I've not actually seen a contribution from you at
>>> all.
>> I've had an issue with the attitude for pursuing the bleeding edge in Fedora
>> for a while - that's why I decided to roll a different distribution.
> That's fine, you're free to take your toys along with your opinions
> and play in what ever sand pit you wish.

Sure. I'm also happy to also invite others who like my sandpit better to 
come play in it, too.

>> When most of your bug reports expire due to the release running EOL it
>> rather puts a downer on the motivation to bother contributing with the goal
>> posts moving so fast at the expense of stability.
> Do your bugs get fixed any quicker in your sandpit? No, unless you fix
> them yourself. Same outcome really!

Sort of - but at least it removes the pretense that the distro 
maintainers care.

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