[fedora-arm] still do not have sata root fs bootable on wandboard quad

Ronald ronald.gadget at gmail.com
Sun Dec 8 11:49:34 UTC 2013

I run F20 root FS with F21 **3.12.1-2.fc21.armv7hl **kernel. (see 
http://www.swissdutch.ch:4999/ ) on my Wandboard quad.

I cannot boot from sata, as the root FS is being mounted about 4 seconds 
before the sata device is ready during the fedora boot process.
(And yes, I understand uSD card is needed for uboot, kernel, mouting 
/boot fs etc. That is perfectly acceptable - I just want the root FS and 
swap to be coming from Sata for obvious reasons).

I try to understand the magics of Fedora boot, initramfs and the likes. 
It seems I need to get a PhD for this! ;-)

*Question*: how do I ensure the root fs is mounted /AFTER /the sata 
device is ready???
Some people suggested adding a sleep command ro a dependency - my 
question is where and how in the initramfs do I do such a thing???

(again, when booting pointing the root fs to the sd card, the sata is 
working fine at the first login as seen with fdisk -l).

Cheers, Ronald
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