[fedora-arm] Fedora packaging process

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 10:04:37 UTC 2013

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 9:41 AM, Andrew Wafaa <awafaa at opensuse.org> wrote:
> Aloha all,
> If possible could someone briefly explain the packaging process on
> Fedora, please? As an example, on openSUSE (as that is what I'm
> accustomed to) the process is basically this:
> Package is built in a users home repo, once built and tested it is
> then submitted to the appropriate development project with a request
> in the message to go into factory (equivalent to rawhide) ->
> development project accepts/rejects the submission, if accepted the
> package is then submitted to factory for inclusion in the next distro
> release, if rejected clear explanation as to why is given.

We have a package review process [1] where the package goes through
review. The process is linked below. The review covers licensing and
making sure the package meets the guidelines [2] etc. Once that is
passed and the package is approved and a git repo is created for the
package which includes spec file and fedora specific patches [3] like
this one.

> What is the equivalent on Fedora? How does mock, koji shadow etc all fit in?

So mock is basically a chroot platform to build packages. koji uses
mock to actually build the packages but you can also use mock to build
packages in a chroot locally standalone.

koji-shadow is a script that allows a koji platform to mirror the
builds of another koji platform. This is how we build packages on the
secondary arches as it allows us to recreate the exact NVRs that
packages were used to build in the mainline platform to ensure package
X is built against the same libraries etc as on the mainline koji (or
the same version or newer if you select the option) and this allows us
to stop any soname bump dep issues and hopefully ensure that we get
consistent application experiences across different build platforms.
koji-shadow will create a new repo for every separate build it
generates to ensure we the exact NVRs of the build needed.

Let me know if it makes sense or if you have more questions having read this.


[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Package_Review_Process
[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Guidelines
[3] http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/clutter.git

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