[fedora-arm] Hosting needed for a Fedora Remix image

Niels de Vos devos at fedoraproject.org
Thu May 2 06:26:43 UTC 2013

Hi all,

last weekend I have been looking at creating a Fedora 18 Remix for the 
Genesi Smartbook. My image seems to be working fine and I'd like to 
share it with others. The only thing that currently blocks me is the 
hosting the image somewhere. If there is someone that can put the image 
on a public http/ftp server, I'd much appreciate that.

The image is not final. It works with a very minimal kernel (non RPM) 
and drivers, I hope to find time in the near future to improve it and 
get closer to reach the full Fedora experience. Which basically means, 
that the hosting will get updated images from time to time (hopefully).

Any takers?


PS: when someone volunteers for this, I'll add the image and some 
details and a link to the (upcoming) release announcement to the Remix 
page on the wiki:
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/F18/Remixes

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