[fedora-arm] SunXI kernel 3.16 - Re: Device support for Fedora 21

Robert Nelson robertcnelson at gmail.com
Wed Aug 13 14:32:33 UTC 2014

>> Looks obvious to me. We all scratch our itches and share them to
>> kernel.org as patches. So "you" need working video today, it looks
>> like you need write a kms driver for the hardware.. ;)
> I almost wish I had the expertise to do this.
> I really don't need working video 'today'.  It would be nice that it was
> working by the time F21 ships.

It'll only work on F21, if someone actually works on it.

btw: Luc recently posted a u-boot video patch for these devices.


You should work with him..


Robert Nelson

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