[fedora-arm] F19/Cubietruck - turning off WiFi and Bluetooth

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Fri Oct 3 10:20:07 UTC 2014

On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 12:12 AM, Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com> wrote:
> The Cubietruck has WiFi and Bluetooth.  But the F19 uboot does not support
> them.

uboot doesn't handle dealing with radios. It's something you need to
handle in the OS layer.

> How can I turn off the radio, so I don't have to watch those flashing LEDs?

Well it would depend on the kernel and I have no idea what kernel
Redsleeve uses.

The general means of managing radios on Linux is called rfkill, In
Fedora that's handled my NetworkManager. Similarly there's a means of
dealing with leds.

> I am using the F19 uboot partition with my Redsleeve OS.  Works well enough.
> Even when we start in on Centos 7 for arm, I suspect I will still be using
> the F19 uboot...

This isn't a forum for Redsleeve support. You need to ask them. It's
dependent on kernel and other support.


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