[fedora-arm] F21 on utilite

Jochen De Smet jochen.arm at leahnim.org
Thu Oct 23 14:38:55 UTC 2014

I've had another go at installing F21 on my utilite, but am still not 
having any luck.

This is the pro version, with the SSD.

I've inserted my SD card, and written the F21 image and the u-boot image 
to it:

  dd if=Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-21_Alpha-1-sda.raw of=/dev/mmcblk0
  dd if=cm-fx6-firmware of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1K skip=1 seek=1 oflag=dsync

But I'm obviously missing some u-boot configuration, since on reboot it 
starts booting from the sd but then just switches back to the SSD:

U-Boot SPL 2014.04-cm-fx6-1.1 (Jul 07 2014 - 11:11:21)
Booting from MMC

U-Boot 2014.04-cm-fx6-1.2 (Aug 24 2014 - 14:05:41)

CPU:   Freescale i.MX6Q rev1.2 at 792 MHz
Reset cause: WDOG

I tried to force a manual boot from the SD:

CM-FX6 # ext2load mmc 2 0x10800000 uImage-3.16.1-301.fc21.armv7hl
5460752 bytes read in 338 ms (15.4 MiB/s)
CM-FX6 # ext2load mmc 2 0x11000000 uInitrd-3.16.1-301.fc21.armv7hl
29206069 bytes read in 1372 ms (20.3 MiB/s)

but that failed almost immediately:

CM-FX6 # bootm 0x10800000 0x11000000
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 10800000 ...
    Image Name:   3.16.1-301.fc21.armv7hl
    Created:      2014-09-16   3:19:49 UTC
    Image Type:   ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
    Data Size:    5460688 Bytes = 5.2 MiB
    Load Address: 00008000
    Entry Point:  00008000
    Verifying Checksum ... OK
## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 11000000 ...
    Image Name:   initramfs
    Created:      2014-09-16   3:19:50 UTC
    Image Type:   ARM Linux RAMDisk Image (uncompressed)
    Data Size:    29206005 Bytes = 27.9 MiB
    Load Address: 00000000
    Entry Point:  00000000
    Verifying Checksum ... OK
    Loading Kernel Image ... data abort
pc : [<8ff872e0>]          lr : [<8ff5c724>]
sp : 8fd53da0  ip : 00000000     fp : 8ffa1638
r10: 00000000  r9 : 8fd53f28     r8 : 8fd598ac
r7 : 00000000  r6 : 00008000     r5 : 0000070f  r4 : 00000000
r3 : 00000000  r2 : 005352d0     r1 : 10800040  r0 : 00008000
Flags: Nzcv  IRQs off  FIQs off  Mode SVC_32
Resetting CPU ...

I've also tried running the boot.scr that's on the F21 boot partition:

CM-FX6 # ext2load mmc 2 0x10800000 boot.scr
22564 bytes read in 93 ms (236.3 KiB/s)
CM-FX6 # imi 0x10800000

## Checking Image at 10800000 ...
    Legacy image found
    Image Name:   a-b-c on Mon Sep 15 23:28:19 EDT
    Created:      2014-09-16   3:28:19 UTC
    Image Type:   ARM Linux Script (uncompressed)
    Data Size:    22500 Bytes = 22 KiB
    Load Address: 00000000
    Entry Point:  00000000
       Image 0: 22492 Bytes = 22 KiB
    Verifying Checksum ... OK
CM-FX6 # source 0x10800000
## Executing script at 10800000
Welcome to a-b-c 0.63.

Could not successfully auto-detect system type.
You may need to set u_k_addr, u_ramfs_addr, u_dtb_addr, and u_dtb
Will scan for kernels on mmc usb scsi sata ide, using ext2 fat 
filesystems with bootm

Starting menu init....

Failed to auto-boot
No value for u_dtb.  Use klist and dtblist to select.

a-b-c main menu
run clist: for a list of known board configurations.
run klist: for a list of kernels.
run dtblist: for a list of dtbs.
run single: for single user target on boot.
run rescue: for rescue target on boot.
run graphical: for graphical target on boot.
run debug: for verbose debug boot.
run normal: for default systemd boot target (default).
run showdefs: for current defaults.
boot or run bootcmd: boot with currently configured parameters.

Enter command from the above list.

CM-FX6 # run clist

Board Configuration List
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
Type "run cX" where X is the board configuration number to use.
CM-FX6 #

 From the file source I remembered that c10 is utilitie, so I tried:

CM-FX6 # run c10
Configuring for utilite
Configuring for imx

The following configuration values are defined:
u_k_addr: 0x14000000
u_k_addr: 0x14000000
u_ramfs_addr: 0x32000000
u_dtb_addr: 0x12000000
u_iodevs: sata mmc usb
u_iodevs: sata mmc usb
u_fs: ext2
u_devpart: 0:1 0:2 1:1 1:2
u_boot: bootm
u_root: UUID=c078beec-18b2-44ae-aac5-e6fc275b45c5
skip_dtb: 1 (null means a dtb will be loaded)
pass_dtb: (null means no bootarg passed)
u_extraargs: console=ttymxc3,115200,115200

CM-FX6 # run klist |
Kernel List |
----------- |
syntax error |
## Error: "catX" not defined |
syntax error |
## Error: "catX" not defined |
k1: for |
(Currently selected: k: ) |
Type "run kX" where X is the kernel number to use. |
CM-FX6 # run k1 |
syntax error
## Error: "catX" not defined
Using kernel k1 ().
CM-FX6 #

Looks like the syntax errors all come from this:

setenv catX "setenv catout \\\'$$catin\\\'"

I've tried a "boot" anyway at that point, but that failed with lots of 
errors for sata 0, sata 1, mmc0, mmc1, usb0, usb1; no messages at all 
about mmc2.

Any hints would be appreciated.


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