[fedora-arm] FC22 on PI2

Clive Messer clive.m.messer at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 12:04:53 UTC 2015

On Mon, 2015-06-01 at 00:12 +1000, Adrian wrote:

> I will see if there is any way to discover what you have with fedup to 
> keep it running.

I'd rather you didn't do that! ;)
Just sit tight for the moment and give Peter the time he needs, for what
although will still be a remix, I suspect will be viewed by many as a
"semi-official" release, at the point a Fedora/Redhat person is
responsible for producing it.

> I consider PI2 support to be a top priority for any platform supporting arm.
> It will dominate the market.

LOL. The Pi has already dominated, love it or loathe it. There is no
argument based on unit sales. 5 million or so sold, last time I looked
at numbers. I think the second most popular piece of hardware in terms
of sales, something like 220k units sold, for the BeagleBone. Most of
the other "alternatives" have sales in the low, or tens of thousands.
Not that unit sales should be the "yard stick" for deciding if something
should be supported or not, but in the case of the Pi, it is somewhat
difficult to ignore its popularity.


Clive Messer <clive.m.messer at gmail.com>

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