[fedora-arm] Cancelled: Fedora ARM & AArch64 Weekly Status Meeting 2015-06-02

Paul Whalen pwhalen at redhat.com
Tue Jun 2 14:33:42 UTC 2015

Hi Folks, 

Sorry for the short notice, we've decided to cancel the weekly meeting today. 

With Fedora 22 out the door for both ARM and AArch64, it's time for us to 
look back at what we did well, areas we could improve upon and a (reasonable)
list of things we'd like to see in Fedora 23. Please visit the Retrospective 
page[1] and add your two cents. We'll discuss it at next weeks meeting. 


[1] - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/F22/Retrospective

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