[fedora-arm] Installation of Fedora 22 on my ARM based board

Andrew Wing andrew.wing at bgch.co.uk
Wed Jun 17 08:04:08 UTC 2015

Hi guys,

I am trying to get Fedora 22 installed on an OEM board something akin to a
beaglebone black but with no SD card support, different memory etc. I also
have my own u-boot, different but no doubt a not so distant relative to the
one provided with Fedora 22 for ARM.

Current thinking was to parallel the advice on installation on the web page
for booting from an SD card by dd ing my own bootloader (MLO/.img) instead
of the default Beaglebone black Fedora 22 versions inside the image. Write
the whole SD card image to my onboard emmc and reboot.

However when I do this,  the boot loader parameters are not set up to start
the fedora kernel image.

My understanding is that at this point we should only be running the
initialisation script to set up a final image, so I'm not quite certain
whether this approach is going to work beyond this stage anyway.

So some obvious questions are:

1) is my current approach plausible or is there a better way of doing this?
2) if I follow through with my current approach, what should I set in the
boot parameters to ensure that the boot loader starts up the Fedora kernel
image? I'm not really finding much info about this sort of area (i.e.
porting to something other than a 'standard' board), is there some useful
source that I'm missing?

Many thanks for any info,

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