[fedora-arm] Installation of Fedora 22 on my ARM based board

Andrew Wing andrew.wing at bgch.co.uk
Wed Jun 17 10:10:00 UTC 2015

Hi Peter,

thanks for responding.

It's using a TI AM3352 OMAP family SoC. Overall it looks like a BeagleBone
Black, but no EEPROM on i2c, different DDR RAM (and no sd card socket).

I do have a device tree. I have full access to all the bits and pieces put
together to make this boot under Angstrom, just don't know how to
re-arrange them to make it boot under Fedora!

Here's the link.


Hopefully I've answered everything asked but do let me know if I haven't!

Thanks again.


On 17 June 2015 at 09:25, Peter Robinson <pbrobinson at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Andrew,
> > I am trying to get Fedora 22 installed on an OEM board something akin to
> a
> > beaglebone black but with no SD card support, different memory etc. I
> also
> > have my own u-boot, different but no doubt a not so distant relative to
> the
> > one provided with Fedora 22 for ARM.
> u-boot's vary a lot, it depends a lot on what features are enabled and
> what version. You also don't mention the actual SoC the board is
> using. Is it the same am33xx as the BBB or something entirely
> different.
> > Current thinking was to parallel the advice on installation on the web
> page
> > for booting from an SD card by dd ing my own bootloader (MLO/.img)
> instead
> > of the default Beaglebone black Fedora 22 versions inside the image.
> Write
> > the whole SD card image to my onboard emmc and reboot.
> That probably won't work, do you have a device tree for the device?
> > However when I do this,  the boot loader parameters are not set up to
> start
> > the fedora kernel image.
> If your u-boot supports the common boot distro spec in u-boot it
> doesn't need parameters and will just auto boot.
> > My understanding is that at this point we should only be running the
> > initialisation script to set up a final image, so I'm not quite certain
> > whether this approach is going to work beyond this stage anyway.
> If we know of the device and it's supportable that is the case, if we
> support the SoC and you have an appropriate dtb it might almost be
> that easy.
> > So some obvious questions are:
> >
> > 1) is my current approach plausible or is there a better way of doing
> this?
> Hard to say as the information you've given above it about the
> equivalent of "my car won't start" to a mechanic without providing any
> details of the make and model. We can probably fix it with some more
> info :-)
> Once you have booted it to u-boot and are at the u-boot prompt can you
> run "version" and "printenv" and copy the entire contents including
> any boot messages to a fpaste (http://fpaste.org/) and reply with the
> link to the details.
> Peter
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