[brasil-marketing] [Fwd: Update on FUDCons in 2011]

Igor Pires Soares igorsoares em gmail.com
Quarta Março 9 20:48:21 UTC 2011


La parte principal de este mensaje del FPL que me gustaría fijar es
acerca de la FUDCon Panamá. La fecha límite para solicitar las
subvenciones para viajes es el 14 de marzo. El 15 de marzo las
solicitudes serán revisadas por miembros de FAmSCo, la organización del
evento y por el FPL. Las solicitaciones hechas después de esa fecha
serán apreciadas en una segunda oportunidad. Las solicitaciones deben
ser echas por el Trac de la FUDCon. Se dará prioridad a los
colaboradores de Latinoamérica que han contribuido significativamente a

-------- Mensagem encaminhada --------
De: Jared K. Smith <jsmith em fedoraproject.org>
Reply-to: users em lists.fedoraproject.org
Para: announce <announce em lists.fedoraproject.org>
Assunto: Update on FUDCons in 2011
Data: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 13:53:00 -0500

I want to take this opportunity to bring your attention to a few
important matters regarding FUDCon events in 2011.

Travel subsidy deadline for FUDCon Panama 2011 on March 14th
Planning is in full swing for FUDCon Panama in May, and it's time for
the FUDCon planning team to begin evaluating subsidy requests.  The
deadline for the first round of travel subsidies is the end of the day
(UTC time) on March 14th, and the FUDCon planning team will be meeting
on March 15th to evaluate those requests.  Any subsidy requests made
after that time will be handled in a future subsidy meeting.  I
encourage anyone interested in attending FUDCon Panama and requiring
travel assistance to refer to the instructions at
https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/wiki/FundingRequest to learn
about the subsidy process and open a Trac ticket with their details.
We'll be giving priority to those travelers in Latin America who
actively contribute to Fedora in meaningful ways.

Bids for FUDCon EMEA 2011 due March 15th.
I'm happy to see several bids starting to come in for FUDCon EMEA
2011.  This is a reminder that any bids for FUDCon EMEA 2011 are due
by the end of the day (UTC time) on March 15th.  If you're interested
in submitting a bid, please create a wiki page with the details and
send an email to the fudcon-planning list letting us know about your
bid.  Refer to http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon_bid_process for
more details, or
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Tempe_2011 for an example
of a very thorough bid page.

Bids for FUDCon North America 2011/2012
I'd also like to formally open up bidding for FUDCon North America for
the December 2011/January 2012 time frame.  Bids will be due by the
end of the day (UTC time) on April 8th.  Again, please refer to
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon_bid_process for more details.

If you have any questions, please ask for help on the fudcon-planning
mailing list or in the #fudcon-planning channel on IRC.

Jared Smith
Fedora Project Leader

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