mock and fc5/fe5 and comps pain

seth vidal skvidal at
Tue Dec 13 16:19:50 UTC 2005

> Old and our current Extras packaging guidelines tell folks to 
> test their builds against the minimum build environment pulled in by the 
> artifical deps of the fedora-rpmdevtools package.  You could just use 
> fedora-rpmdevtools as the base package instead of creating yet another 
> package to pull in minimum buildroot deps.

We'd need a fair bit more stuff than is in fedora-rpmdevtools:
 - createrepo, buildsys-macros, python, rpm-python, 

take a look at the contents of this file:

that's what we need and that's a bit of a problem for

> Note that we made an explicit decision NOT to include auto* as base deps 
> in fedora-rpmdevtools.  This is because different packages may require 
> specific versions of autoconf or automake.

right and in the buildroots.xml we include all the automakes and

I think we'd be better off with NOT confusing the purposes of
fedora-rpmdevtools package and the mock build packages, not to mention
that I'd like to make sure this is written so it can be used for !fedora
distributions, too.

I know I'm not using mock just for building fedora-based things; I'm
sure others aren't either.


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