plague-server && mysql

Chris Weyl chris.weyl at
Fri Oct 21 13:30:58 UTC 2005

Hey all--

I can't post a patch for various reasons beyond my control (sigh...),
but updating plague to use a mysql backend was trivial.  (Not that I
don't like postgresql -- mysql is just easier for me in this

1) yum install MySQL-python
2) edit /usr/share/plague/server/
* copy the pgdbEngineClass definition verbatim, renaming it to
* the correct type for mysql in get_uid_field_type is
    - "int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY"
* connect parameters are slightly different in _connect():
    - host=host, db=database, user=user, passwd=password
* add the new class to the db_engines array
* add a try statement to importing the MySQLdb class
3) update your plague-server.cfg with a "[mysql Engine]" section

And, of course, create your mysql db somewhere, etc, etc.

Hope that helps someone!  :)


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