Patch to store user info in different DB engines

Jeff Sheltren sheltren at
Wed Oct 26 18:48:14 UTC 2005

I'm attaching a patch which uses DBManager for interacting with the  
user database rather than always relying upon sqlite.  This way, if  
you use pgsql or mysql for your database back-end, user information  
will be stored there as well.

The problem is, this will screw up current installations which are  
using pgsql/mysql because the old code assumes sqlite is used for  
user info, so suddenly your user database will be empty...  I guess  
the easiest way around this is to write a quick script to pull  
everything out of the sqlite database and put it into mysql/pgsql.   
Also, I'll look at updating the script.  In fact, I  
guess it may be easiest to add export/import functions to that for  
migrating the user info.

Let me know what you think.


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