Once again: kernel-modules in the buildsystem

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Wed Sep 28 13:20:25 UTC 2005

Hi All!

The last discussion how to handle kernel-modules in the buildsys stuck
at some point (for those who can't remember it see
https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-buildsys-list/2005-August/msg00030.html for the start and https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-buildsys-list/2005-August/msg00036.html for one of the ends.

I really would like it if we could get this discussion to life again to
solve this problem. I made a quick hack against mock 0.4 so it passes a
"--define kernel\ some-kernel-version-here" to the rpmbuild-calls that
build the pgk. This required a new mock command-line option ("--kernel
put-some-kernel-version-here"). I included a quick check so this option
only works with packages whose name starts with "kernel" so nobody sane
can abuse it for other packages. Warning, I'm not programming very
often, but the patch WORKSFORME. Seth, is something like that acceptable
for you?

Dan, if something like that goes into mock -- what would be the best way
to make this new mock-option usable in plague for kernel-modules in
fedora-extras? Should plague automatically build the modules for all
kernels available (the one that was shipped and those currently in
updates-released)? Or only for the newest kernel available? Or should
the packager say something like "make plague KERNEL=put-kernel-ver-here"
when requesting build of a fdr-extras-kernel-module-pkg?
Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora at leemhuis.info>
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