remaking an initrd.img for diskboot.img and pxeboot

Phil Meyer pmeyer at
Wed Aug 15 21:00:03 UTC 2007

For odd reasons, I am attempting to add a driver to an initrd.img.

Using the exact same kernel as on the original media, I have built a 
driver module.

I have extracted pxeboot/initrd.img into:

I have extracted the /tmp/img/original/modules/modules.cgz file into:

I have added the properly built modules into:

I have manually edited:

I rebuilt the initrd.img using these steps:

# cd /tmp/img/moddir
# find 2.6.18-8.el5 -depth -print | cpio --quiet -H crc -o | gzip -9 > 
# cd /tmp/img/original
# cp /tmp/modules.cgz modules/
# find . | cpio --quiet -c -o | gzip -9 > ../initrd.img

I then copied the initrd.img to the proper PXE/TFTP directory, and 
tested a boot to it.

It starts an install with no obvious errors, but the modules won't load.

What did I miss?

I am doing it remote with no access to <ALT>F3 or <ALT>F4

I will attempt to get over to the system and try from there to provide 
additional info, but I was hoping someone could spot an idiot mistake in 
my steps.

Thanks for any help.

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