Grub install error when the installation Finish

Francisco André distro at
Mon Jun 11 13:03:49 UTC 2007

Hi! It's me again!

I use pungi to create a custom fedora and it runs perfectly even the iso 
images was created ok!

So I burn 2 CD and try to install in a new machine. It runs ok, load and 
use all the ks.cfg values and the kickstart installation was good.

But when the system show the message that are installing the boot 
manager to the disk it stop and in the console window it shows the 
following error: line 81 in execWithRedirect lines 958, 1199 e 190 line 203 line 605
anaconda line 955

Errno - File or directory not found

I noticed that it seems that the script are looking for grub in the 
folder /sbin/grub but it is on the folder /usr/sbin/grub. I don't know 
if it's the problem, but for this time this is the maximum debug that I 
can get and show to you ok!

Thank's for all!

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