[PATCH][PUNGI] Irregularities with the stage selection

Joel Andres Granados jgranado at redhat.com
Wed Jun 13 16:22:33 UTC 2007

Hi list:

Pungi has a really cool characteristic that allows the user to specify 
the stage that he/she wants to execute.  The stages are: Gather(-G), 
Buildinstall(-B), Package Order(-P), Splittree (-S) and createisos 
(-I).  It is also implemented in a way that it creates the possibility 
for the user to specify non continuous stages (ex. pungi -G -I).  This 
can make pungi behave in an unwanted way.
To avoid this situation there is a patch attached that defines a range 
instead of individual stages.  In other words if the user specifies 
`pungi -G -I` pungi will execute -G -B -P -S and -I.  Moreover if the 
user specifies `pungi -G` only the gathering stage will be executed.

Another situation with the stages is that pungi does not verify if the 
stage that the user is specifying can be executed.  So the user might 
execute the -I stage without having executed the -G stage (to say 
something stupid).  IMO a function that at least checks if the 
directories that are needed are where they are suppose to be can be 
considered.  Just a thought :)

Comments greatly appreciated :)

Joel Andres Granados

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