pungi used to create CD that includes a kickstart file [PATCH]

Joel Andres Granados jgranado at redhat.com
Thu Jun 14 13:15:30 UTC 2007

> I see nothing in these reasons that prevents a package of the files from being 
> created.

AFAIK any directory can be packaged, so technically taking the directory 
I want to add, packaging it and
putting it on the tree is possible.  The only argument for the "add 
files without packaging" process is lazyness.
IMHO it is sometimes easier to just tell pungi "please add this 
directory to the iso".  Compared to the additional
process of creating a package.  Moreover the user might have to learn 
how exactly to do this, taking up more time.
(not that learning how to package is a waist of time, but some people 
might not really need it :)

> I'm not saying no to the feature yet, I just need to think about it a bit and 
> what it means to pungi.

What I propose is a simple (I think its simple:) patch to address this 
issue.  Give the user the possibility to add *one*
directory to the tree.  This directory contains whatever and is 
specified in the config file as extra_dir.
Patch is attached
comments greatly appreciated


Joel Andres Granados

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