koji initialization, docs

Mike McLean mikem at redhat.com
Thu Sep 20 19:09:58 UTC 2007

aberoham at gmail.com wrote:
> Note: kojira must be running and must have repo perms (perm_id 3) 
> 1. import all srpms from the upstream RHEL/Fedora distribution, use --create-build
> 	koji import --create-build [SRPM]

In Koji, builds are named after the srpm, i.e they use the e:n-v-r of 
the source rpm. Because the SOURCERPM field of the rpm does not include 
an epoch the system cannot be sure it has the correct data for the build 
entry. So, by default, it only creates the build entry when importing an 

The --create-build option causes import to create a build entry for an 
rpm even if its srpm is not in the import batch. It will use the n-v-r 
from the SOURCERPM field, and assume the epoch of the (missing) srpm is 
the same as the epoch of the rpm.

So --create-build should only be necessary when your import is missing 
srpms. If you're importing Fedora content, I would hope this is not the 
> 2. imprt all binary rpms (for each arch)
> 	koji import [RPM]

The current import code in the koji cli will sort the srpms on the 
command line into groups based on their srpm. It will automatically 
import the srpms first and if there are rpms that do not have a 
corresponding srpm or existing build entry (and --create-build is not 
specified) it will warn and exit before taking any action.

So, you should be able to collapse 1 and 2 into one command.

I should also point out: if you're importing a large number of [s]rpms 
that are already on the same filesystem as your koji store, then the 
--link option may save you a lot of time. It requires that your (local) 
user have permission to write to the koji work directory. It bypasses 
the upload and instead simply hardlinks the file into the work directory 
(where it would have been uploaded to anyway).

> 3. create a tag, we'll call it mydist
>  	koji add-tag mydist
> 	koji edit-tag mydist --arches="x86_64 i386"

add-tag supports a --arches argument to specify the initial arch list.

> 4. add all untagged builds to that tag
> 	(use koji list-untagged to get the list)
> 	koji tag-pkg [package-n-v-r ... package-n-v-r] --force --nowait

heh, that's a clever way to generate the n-v-r list during bootstrap :)

> 9. add each host listed in "koji list-hosts" to createrepo channel
> 	# koji list-hosts
> 	# koji add-host-to-channel <name of builder> createrepo

We put the repo tasks on a special channel because we found that some 
hosts in our system were particularly slow at it. By leaving those hosts 
out of the createrepo channel, we found we could improve overall repo 
regeneration speed.

It's also conceivable that you might want to keep some hosts out of the 
createrepo pool simply to reduce load on them.

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