Koji "hidden" packages proposal

seth vidal skvidal at fedoraproject.org
Mon Mar 17 14:13:04 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-03-15 at 21:58 -0500, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
> What im talking about was the proposal put forward  when we had the buildsys 
> meeting  the proposal that  we all said sounded like the way to move forward.  
> This is not that proposal.   importing packages is the one thing that hurts 
> koji from getting wider use outside of fedora.  Some people will import the 
> data.  Most do not want to.  Fedora will be mirroring RHEL content from RHN,   
> people outside of fedora will be mirroring fedora and building on top of 
> that.   

I'm not sure I see the problem here, necessarily.

okay here's how I see what Mike's proposal does and then what we
eventually want to do:

Mike's Proposal:
 - gives us a way of building from the reposync'd rhel-trees that we now
have on puppet1 w/o distributing these pkgs out to the world. Yay
 - gives us a way of building epel in koji so we can finally disable
plague, also yay.

The eventual future:
 -  have a way of koji to build from an arbitrary set of remote repos
     1. syncing down the repodata from those remote repos and 'faking'
an import 
     2. creating its own local repo out of the remote repos (or
micro-repos) for external use.

There's nothing mutually exclusive about these two items and, afaict,
there's no requirement that they be done at the same time, either.

I guess in short:
 - Dennis: I think your suggestion is one we should do but we do not
require it immediately.

 - Mike: The proposal sounds round enough to me. We've already got all
of the production repos(no betas) in rhn for rhel4 and 5 for i386,
x86_64 and ppc* synced over on puppet1. They resync every night. Is
there anything else you need that I missed?


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