koji add-group?

Paul B Schroeder paul.schroeder at bluecoat.com
Thu May 8 21:09:38 UTC 2008

Hmm..  Strange..  I don't seem to have the add-group command (see
further below).  I had to do this via psql to be able to "koji

koji=> insert into groups (name) values('build');
koji=> select * from groups;
 id | name  
  1 | build
(1 row)
koji=> insert into group_config (group_id, tag_id, display_name)
values(1, 2, 'build');
koji=> select * from group_config;
 group_id | tag_id | blocked | exported | display_name | is_default |
uservisible | description | langonly | biarchonly | create_event |
revoke_event | active 
        1 |      2 | f       | t        | build        |            |
|             |          |            |         3413 |              | t
(1 row)

koji=> select * from group_package_listing;
 group_id | tag_id | package | blocked |  type   | basearchonly |
requires | create_event | revoke_event | active 
        1 |      2 | bash    | f       | default |              |
|         3414 |              | t
(1 row)


[root at koji koji]# rpm -q koji

[root at koji koji]# koji add-group --help
Available commands:
        build                Build a package from source
        buildinfo            Print basic information about a build
        cancel               Cancel tasks and/or builds
        chain-build          Build one or more packages from source
        download-build       Download a built package
        help                 List available commands
        latest-pkg           Print the latest packages for a tag
        list-api             Print the list of XML-RPC APIs
        list-buildroot       List the rpms used in or built in a
        list-groups          Print the group listings
        list-hosts           Print the host listing
        list-pkgs            Print the package listing for tag or for
        list-tag-history     Print a history of tag operations
        list-tag-inheritance Print the inheritance information for a tag
        list-tagged          List the builds or rpms in a tag
        list-tags            Print the list of tags
        list-targets         List the build targets
        list-tasks           Print the list of tasks
        list-untagged        List untagged builds
        mock-config          Create a mock config
        move-pkg             'Move' one or more packages between tags
        resubmit             Retry a canceled or failed task, using the
same parameter as the original task.
        rpminfo              Print basic information about an RPM
        show-groups          Show groups data for a tag
        tag-pkg              Apply a tag to one or more packages
        taginfo              Print basic information about a tag
        taskinfo             Show information about a task
        untag-pkg            Remove a tag from one or more packages
        watch-logs           Watch logs in realtime
        watch-task           Track progress of particular tasks
(Type "koji --help" for help about global options
 or "koji <command> --help" for help about a particular command's
Usage: koji [global-options] command [command-options-and-arguments]

koji: error: Unknown command: add_group

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