How to handel spinning when i686 versions of packages don't make it into the updates repo?

William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209 wacker at
Wed Dec 30 07:05:56 UTC 2009

Hi all,

      I've always noticed that when a package is updated, sometimes the 
i686 version isn't put into the x86_64 repo for updates.  As a workaround, 
I add the packages to the exclude list in the fedora repo so I don't get 
x86_64 versions that are newer than the left behind i686 versions.  This 
means that my disks will have less i686 stuff than was released originally 
by The Fedora Project.  I could just carry the updated packages in a local 
repo, thereby preserving the original package list.  Does anyone know 
which is the best approach?


           Bill in Denver

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