Revisor (or Anaconda?) spin - unable to install on i586

Martin Langhoff martin.langhoff at
Sat Feb 14 22:02:05 UTC 2009

[ resend - now to the appropriate Fedora list - apologies ]

Hi everyone,

the olpc XS spin is hitting a problem installing on i586s (and that
includes our own XO). The problem seems to be well known -- anaconda
composes based on the arch of the build host rather than on the arch
requested, as described in:

The revisor conf says "architecture=386", yet we are getting _only_
openssl i686 on the iso, which won't get installed on 586, so
everything breaks on the (partially installed) machine.

I'm away from my buildbox today -- Jerry's been testing and reports
that pungi-driven composes also put an openssl-i386 on the iso, while
revisor-driven composes don't. So it sounds like the problem is
perhaps in how revisor drives anaconda?

Any hints or ideas? It seems to be a well known problem...?

(the compose host is a Fedora-9 box, that follows updates.newkey)


 martin.langhoff at
 martin at -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first

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