Is koji the right build tool for me? and some newbie questions

Zubin Sethna zsethna at
Tue Feb 24 00:59:31 UTC 2009

Hi all


Hope this is the correct mailing list to ask these questions.


I've being looking at using koji for our in house project. After
perusing the docs I have managed to set up a koji server with the web,
xml-rpc, kojira and command line client components working. So now I
want to do the client side configuration. Our software project is
distributed as RPMs (which is what made me look at koji in the first
place) and we build three site specific versions from three different
branches in CVS.


Reading the ServerBootstrap document on the Fedora wiki has me confused.
How do I set up koji to build a set of RPMs from CVS? Our build target
is RHEL 4 but so far I have not found any installable RPMs to run
kojibuilder on this platform. Does anyone know where I could get a
suitable RPM?


To build our project we need to install a set of RPMs into the build
environment that setup the libraries and header files used during the
build process. How does koji handle this? 







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