Koji: ServerOffline

Mike McLean mikem at redhat.com
Thu Jan 22 15:53:40 UTC 2009

Jitesh Shah wrote:
> On a different note, how does one debug a script which uses rpc calls
> and the error is on the server side? i.e. the debugger will run on the
> caller side, so, how do we debug the script that is executed on the
> server? (Except inserting write-to-file commands in the server script)
> Also, does koji maintain a logfile?... I wasn't able find it anywhere.

kojihub logs to stderr, which under apache goes to 
/var/log/httpd/error_log (or ssl_error_log). If you don't see anything 
helpful, try setting KojiDebug to "on" in the config and restarting httpd.

Which version of koji are you running?

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