When I modified the koji server'ip from one to another, the yum use the old ip already!

李建 lijian.gnu at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 01:59:37 UTC 2009

Good,the method you give is simple.I'll test later.My repo table in sql now
is following,Did you can tell me what's mean about state=3 ? and state=1
,and state=2 ?

Thank you very much ! I have draw a koji illustrative diagram , can you give
me some advices?


I've write many docs about install koji server and use koji,all is chinese.
Can I put it on koji wiki ?


koji=> SELECT * from repo;
 id | create_event | tag_id | state
  5 |         3848 |      2 |     3
  6 |         3849 |      2 |     3
  8 |         3860 |      1 |     3
  7 |         3857 |      2 |     3
  9 |         3861 |      2 |     3
 10 |         3883 |      2 |     3
 11 |         3899 |      2 |     3
 12 |         3901 |      2 |     3
 13 |         3982 |      2 |     3
 14 |         4021 |      2 |     3
 15 |         4044 |      2 |     3
 16 |         4073 |      2 |     3
 17 |         4117 |      2 |     3
 18 |         4151 |      2 |     3
 19 |         4160 |      2 |     3
 20 |         4162 |      2 |     3
 21 |         4189 |      2 |     3
 22 |         4200 |      2 |     3
 23 |         4305 |      2 |     3
 24 |         4382 |      2 |     3
 25 |         4431 |      2 |     3
 27 |         4455 |      4 |     3
 28 |         4457 |      4 |     3
 29 |         4463 |      4 |     3
 30 |         4494 |      4 |     3
 31 |         4509 |      4 |     3
 32 |         4511 |      4 |     3
 33 |         4521 |      4 |     3
 34 |         4531 |      4 |     3
 40 |         7335 |      5 |     2
 41 |         7348 |      3 |     2
 42 |         7349 |      5 |     2
 35 |         4540 |      4 |     3
 43 |         7350 |      6 |     2
 45 |         7356 |      6 |     2
 46 |         7369 |      6 |     2
 44 |         7355 |      4 |     2
 47 |         7372 |      6 |     2
 48 |         7373 |      4 |     2
 49 |         7376 |      6 |     2
 52 |         7392 |      6 |     2
 56 |         7401 |      6 |     2
 50 |         7379 |      4 |     2
 51 |         7386 |      2 |     1
 26 |         4441 |      2 |     3
 53 |         7394 |      6 |     2
 54 |         7396 |      6 |     2
 57 |         7405 |      6 |     2
 59 |         7424 |      4 |     1
 55 |         7400 |      6 |     2
 36 |         7290 |      6 |     3
 37 |         7292 |      6 |     3
 38 |         7318 |      6 |     3
 39 |         7323 |      6 |     3
 58 |         7410 |      6 |     2
 61 |         7443 |      6 |     1
 60 |         7441 |      6 |     2
(57 rows)


2009/6/4 Mike McLean <mikem at redhat.com>

> 李建 wrote:
>> I've solv this probole. the /usr/sbin/kojid have following code:
>> ----------------------------------
>> 2584                 #cmd.append('--update')
>> 2585                 #if options.createrepo_skip_stat:
>> 2586                 #    cmd.append('--skip-stat')
>> ==============================
>> I commented it , so the createrepo run as follow (see createrepo.log):
> It seems a little silly to comment out code that can be disabled with a
> configuration option (createrepo_skip_stat). Of course, there is no option
> to disable the --update.
> When I need to force the system to regenerate repos from scratch I just
> expire them in the db. This works because kojid will only recycle repodata
> from a repo in the READY state. Anyway, to expire all current repos, I'd use
> this sql command:
> - update repo set state = 2 where state in (0, 1);
> You'll also need to cancel any newRepo tasks that were running beforehand.
> --
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msn  lijian.gnu at gmail.com
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