ActionNotAllowed: admin permission required

Mike McLean mikem at
Thu May 28 14:59:10 UTC 2009

Jay Greguske wrote:
> None of your users in the users table have a usertype, and for someone 
> to be an admin, that field must be set to 1 (the same id for admin found 
> in the permissions table). Try setting that manually in the database and 
> see if things work for you then.

Please disregard this advice. It is incorrect.

There are currently three usertypes defined in koji: NORMAL, HOST, and 
GROUP (values 0, 1, and 2 respectively). /None/ of them have anything to 
do with being an admin.

Most users should have type 0 (normal). The users corresponding to build 
hosts should have type 1 (host) and groups should have type 2. In the 
normal course of operation you should never have to change these 
manually in the db.

Being an admin in Koji means having the admin permission. This is 
determined by user_perms table.

docs/schema.sql has an example near the end for adding an initial admin 
user. Once you create this first user, all other users should be created 
using the koji command line utility. Use 'koji help --admin |grep user' 
to get a list of relevant subcommands.

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