"BuildError: Unknown origin" errors on private koji builders?

Fleming, Michael mfleming at tnsi.com
Fri Jan 15 06:51:53 UTC 2010


I've set up a new Koji 1.3 build hub/builder set (hosted on a clean CentOS 5.4 server) using the Koji Howto from http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Koji/ServerHowTo (and the ExternalRepoServerBootstrap page, as we have local mrepo-generated mirrors of CentOS 5 / EPEL within our network)

I've followed the instructions closely and it all looks good - the web frontend is fine, koji CLI users are all good, kojira is generating newrepo/regen-repo tasks without issues and my koji builder (initially the same host) is running fine. I've tagged a local -build tag and parent (dist-el5-mycompany-build dist-el5-mycompany respectively), created a build and srpm-build group for the tag (using EPEL's group package list as a base for the minimal buildroot) - it all looks kosher as best I can see.

However all of my koji initiated package builds are failing with the following error:

BuildError: Unknown origin for setup-2.5.58-7.el5.noarch: <url of my local mirror>

The root.log pulls the yum data + packages down and appears to install them fine, then just dies (with the above error message part in the notification email as well as kojid.log.)

I'm stumped regarding where it's gone amiss - any ideas / assistance appreciated :-)

Michael Fleming.

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