Question about listBuilds with multiple task IDs

Kiu Leung kleung at
Tue Aug 9 14:44:09 UTC 2011

Hi all,

I have a question about how to form the parameter list of a listBuilds web method call with multiple task ID.  According to the definition of a hash table/dictionary, keys are unique, so I cannot put more than 1 entry in the table with the same key "taskID".

I tried to set the value of the "taskID" entry as a list of integers (in Java, as shown below) but koji hub will not accept it, so I should be grateful for your advice about how should I form the parameter list, thank you very much in advance!

Best regards,

Ken Leung

The code:
HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
ArrayList<Integer> taskIDParamList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
params.put("__starstar", new Boolean(true));
taskIDParamList.add(new Integer(3));
taskIDParamList.add(new Integer(5343));
params.put("taskID", taskIDParamList);
//web method call with params as the parameter.

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