koji client on another machine

steve.webb at beatport.com steve.webb at beatport.com
Wed Jan 26 17:02:48 UTC 2011

Hey there.

I think that I've got a working koji server authenticating using kerberos 

My latest issue is that I'm trying to call koji from another host using 
the koji command-line client.  I can get read-only commands, but 
build submissions are failing:

[swebb at bplwebdev001.co0 ~]$ koji -s http://bpbuild001.co0.nar.beatportcorp.net/kojihub list-external-repos
External repo name        URL
------------------------- ----------------------------------------
dist-EL5-beatport-external-repo-centos-updates-x86_64 http://repo.beatportcorp.net/centos/5/updates/x86_64/
dist-EL5-beatport-external-repo-centos-epel-x86_64 http://repo.beatportcorp.net/epel/5/x86_64/
dist-EL5-beatport-external-repo-centos-php_new53-x86_64 http://repo.beatportcorp.net/php_new5.3/
dist-EL5-beatport-external-repo-centos-updates-i386 http://repo.beatportcorp.net/centos/5/updates/i386/
dist-EL5-beatport-external-repo-centos-epel-i386 http://repo.beatportcorp.net/epel/5/i386/
dist-EL5-beatport-official-x86_64 http://mirrors.kernel.org/centos/5/os/x86_64/
dist-EL5-beatport-official-i386 http://mirrors.kernel.org/centos/5/os/i386/
dist-EL5-beatport-external-repo-buildsys http://buildsys.fedoraproject.org/buildgroups/rhel5/x86_64/
[swebb at bplwebdev001.co0 ~]$ koji -s http://bpbuild001.co0.nar.beatportcorp.net/kojihub build dist-EL5-beatport cdrtools-2.01-10.7.el5.src.rpm
Kerberos authentication failed: Server not found in Kerberos database (-1765328377)

Here's the contents of my psql koji DB:

ji=> select * from users;
  id |                name                 | password | status | usertype |                           krb_principal 
   2 | swebb                               |          |      0 |        0 | swebb at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
   1 | koji                                |          |      0 |        0 | koji/bpbuild001.co0.nar.beatportcorp.net at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
   3 | kojira                              |          |      0 |        0 |
   4 | bpbuild001.co0.nar.beatportcorp.net |          |      0 |        1 | compile/bpbuild001.co0.nar.beatportcorp.net at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
   5 | dharris                             |          |      0 |        0 | dharris at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
   6 | jsteffan                            |          |      0 |        0 | jsteffan at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
   7 | talexander                          |          |      0 |        0 | talexander at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
   8 | jhiza                               |          |      0 |        0 | jhiza at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
   9 | taitken                             |          |      0 |        0 | taitken at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
  10 | ccardone                            |          |      0 |        0 | ccardone at AUTH.BEATPORTCORP.NET
(10 rows)

- Steve

Steve Webb | System Administrator
Beatport | Play With Music
2399 Blake Street, Suite 170
Denver, Colorado USA 80205
tel: +1.720.932.9103
fax: +1.720.932.9104
noc: +1.303.565.2710
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