GenericError: Unable to complete build: release mismatch (build: 4.P1.el5_4.2, rpm: 4.P1.el5.2)

Dennis Gilmore dennis at
Wed Jan 26 21:38:23 UTC 2011

>> the resulting srpm from the build has a different n-v-r than the srpm
>> feed into the build. they need to match
> I'm just using srpms from
> Shouldn't they all build with the Centos epel repos?
> I checked my build group package lists and they contain the
> buildsys-macros package.

they will build but not have the same disttag version. Red Hat and centos
redefine it to different values for the different point releases. the
buildsys-macros package used by mock by default defines it to only .el5 
not .el5_4 etc

so you would either need to setup different tags/targets for different
disttags and modify the buildsys-macros package used or rebuild the srpm
to have .el5


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