Question about Koji hub

Kiu Leung kleung at
Wed Jul 20 20:14:18 UTC 2011

Hi all,

My name is Ken Leung, one of the Eclipse team new interns from the Red Hat Toronto office working on a Mylyn Builds Koji connector project.  So I will be relying heavily on Apache's Java XmlRpc API as well as the Koji hub web service.

Right now, I am running into a problem with how to query Koji builds by a user_id or task_id.  According to the signature of the web method:

listBuilds(packageID=None, userID=None, taskID=None, prefix=None, state=None, createdBefore=None, createdAfter=None, completeBefore=None, completeAfter=None, type=None, typeInfo=None, queryOpts=None)

The web method takes multiple parameter lists and can have default parameter values - which are not native to the Java language.

I tried the following to query builds of user ID 2, who has about 360 builds pushed to the target :

ArrayList<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();
params.add(new ArrayList<Integer>().add(null));
xmlrpcClient.execute("listBuilds", params);//the Xml Rpc client was referenced by xmlrpcClient

While I expected a list of 360 hash maps (360 builds), I only received 1 hash map with a package_id of 1.  I also tried to pass other user_ids which are known to have builds pushed to the target Koji instance, but the web service returned nothing.

I also tried to query Koji by task_id # 8 with the following code:

ArrayList<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();
params.add(new ArrayList<Integer>().add(null));
params.add(new ArrayList<Integer>().add(null));
xmlrpcClient.execute("listBuilds", params);//the Xml Rpc client was referenced by xmlrpcClient

But unfortunately, the web service also returned nothing while there are more than 3000 tasks pushed onto the server.

So I would be most grateful for your advice on how to form the parameter list properly with Apache XmlRpc.  Thank you very much!

Best regards,

Ken Leung

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