fedora non-released buildsys

Anthony Towns atowns at redhat.com
Mon Oct 15 15:15:19 UTC 2012

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Seth Vidal" <skvidal at fedoraproject.org>

> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Skvidal/BuildSystem

Interesting stuff!

> When last this was discussed the koji maintainers were fairly
> adamant that the above use cases was definitely outside
> of the scope and goals of koji (which is entirely appropriate given
> what koji does and how it does it).

The page above talks about modifying kojira and using koji builders; are you thinking of expanding the koji source or adding plugins or similar to allow running a different type of service on a separate machine to koji.fedoraproject.org but based on the koji code; or would "outside koji's scope" mean redoing the code to have an entirely independent coprhub/coprbuilder setup and so on?

What's the expected lifetime of repos and packages within copr repos? It's potentially long term, right? eg build an add-on for f18 during f18's beta, and keep it around until f18 hits end of life? That seems the biggest departure from koji scratch builds; and the potential for different builds with the same nvr is obviously the biggest departure from koji's normal concept of builds. 

Is it a desirable feature to be able to pull in a prebuilt rpm that someone else has built in their own copr -- if you've already spent five days getting the latest libreoffice backported to f15 for arm in a copr, and I want to build something on top of that, it seems a waste to do a five day rebuild; but on the other hand, if copr/koji doesn't keep track of all the old builds, how could it tell I'm giving it a legitimate previously-built-from-source rpm, and not a GPL-violating, malware loaded, evil binary-only rpm of doom for it to install in the build root?

BTW, https://copr-skvidal.rhcloud.com/ links go to http://coprs.fedoraproject.org/repos/... which don't seem to work at the moment? Is that deliberate, or a url bug?

FWIW, to me this seems about as within koji's scope as the maven support is -- maybe it means database changes and different builder setup and isn't something that Fedora supports per se, but it's still providing a controlled system for doing builds and managing the results... YMMV obviously!


Anthony Towns <atowns at redhat.com>

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