Best way to see what koji tag an rpm was imported into?

Pat Riehecky riehecky at
Wed Jul 3 21:16:28 UTC 2013

I'm working on a koji plugin for internal use here and would love a way to 
trigger an action off of successful imports of builds against a given tag.

My understanding of the flow goes something like this

$ koji add-target mytag mytarget importhere
$ koji build mytag rpm
### my koji server has 'mytarget' as the target for 'mytag'
### koji builds the rpm from 'mytarget'
### koji imports the successful rpms into 'importhere'

I'd love to be able to get 'mytag' as well as 'importhere'.  But really I just 
want 'importhere' for my callback.

It seems that the 'postImport' callback is the right landing spot for me as it 
sits where I want it to.  But I don't see a good way of getting the tag the 
package is being imported for.  The tag is not provided to the callback - 
which strikes me as a bit odd.

Should I just call the XMLRPC 'listPackages' with my pkgID set?  Is there a 
suggested way of doing that from a plugin?  Would 'listPackages' even have the 
tag data set at this point?


Pat Riehecky

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