Need Koji Server Setup Help

Mike McLean mikem at
Tue Oct 29 01:28:44 UTC 2013

On 10/22/2013 11:56 AM, John.Florian at wrote:
>> I'm not yet sure what the cause of this is, but I suspect some behavior
>> change in the underlying libs.
> That indeed looks familiar.  Unlike the newRepo, I cannot make a build 
> succeed (i.e., no binary rpm) despite lots of waiting.  Sounds like Koki 
> atop F19 isn't ready for prime time yet, especially for a newb as myself. 
> Can you recommend a better Fedora release?  I've got much of the setup 
> codified in puppet so it shouldn't be too much a PITA to rebuild.

The ssl error is worrisome, but I doubt it is breaking your build. The
automatic retry seems to handle it well, so it's only a problem for
unauthenticated calls where anon_retry is false.

You said your build is waiting? Is the task being taken by a builder? If
so, how far does it get? Are there any errors or odd messages on the
kojid logs or build logs?

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