RFC: dynamic generation of mock config from template?

Clark Williams williams at redhat.com
Wed Jul 29 15:49:27 UTC 2015

The other day someone suggested that mock should dynamically create
configs from a set of templates, so that we wouldn't have to keep
delivering and deleting a series of config files each time a new Fedora
release goes out. Not sure who it was since I can't find the discussion
in my IRC logs, but might have been dgilmore. Nirik? Don't know...

Anyway, I started thinking about it and it seems doable. Right now
configs are named with three fields:


We could come up with templates for distro-arch that would be used to
generate a config. The idea is someone invokes mock with this command

	$ mock -r fedora-73-x86_64 --init

We go look in /etc/mock and find no fedora-73-x86_64.cfg, so we go
grab /etc/mock/template/fedora-x86_64 and substitute in '73' for the
release number, then write /etc/mock/fedora-73-x86_64.cfg. Then we
continue on our way, at least until the build fails due to non-existant
repositories (presuming that we're not talking about the year 2035

Obviously you could fat-finger the release number and generate a bogus
config file. Worse you might want to be using F22 but mis-type '21' and
use a wrong, but existent config. Also, I don't really like the idea of
dynamically creating files in /etc, so we might need to move the
created configs off to a /var/mock/configs directory or something like

The upside though is that we could stop having to add and delete
configs when new Fedora releases come out. 

What do you guys think?


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