Switch to DNF in Koji?

Miroslav Suchý msuchy at redhat.com
Mon May 25 06:45:21 UTC 2015

Dne 23.5.2015 v 01:27 Dennis Gilmore napsal(a):
> That is not a workable solution. we have to overwrite the site-defaults.cfg 

I disagree here. But I'm not the one who operate the Koji.

> and have it work across rhel and fedora builders in fedora. the solution 
> really needs to be a combination of things. I think the koji code needs to 
> assume that there could be multiple possible backends, so we can set yum, yum-
> deprecated, dnf.  but additionally mock needs to really know that if the host 
> is f22 or newer or rhel8(big assumption here) or newer and you say yum is the 

The decision of mock is config driven. And mock ships different config for different distribution.

> backend you mean yum-deprecated. I am assuming yum-deprectaed will be in one 
> of RHEL or EPEL. 

DNF (with yum-deprecated) is in EPEL (however just EPEL7), but there is no dnf-plugins-core, which is needed too.

Can you or somebody else from rel-engs alter my patch or come with different solution?
I would like to remind that according
we have just 3 weeks to do that in F23 time-frame. Then it will be again too late, and you will have to target for F24.

Miroslav Suchy, RHCA
Red Hat, Senior Software Engineer, #brno, #devexp, #fedora-buildsys

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