Introducing myself

Giuseppe Coviello cjg at
Sat Jul 4 11:18:19 UTC 2009

Hi all, I'm Giuseppe Coviello, I study Computer Science at University
of Naples "Parthenope". Since I joined fedora ambassadors group, some
months ago, I'm acting like a campus ambassador: I have a "fedora"
pins on my bag, I recommend to try fedora to those who ask me which
distribution they should use, I try to help people having troubles
with fedora (and with other distribution too), they know that if they
have some question about fedora they can ask them to me.

On 18 June 2008 I organized, in occasion of the fedora 11 release, a
conference about fedora in my faculty; Gianluca Varisco (who
parteciped to the conference) wrote a report on the conference:

Regards, Giuseppe

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