Hello all

Adam Miller maxamillion at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 01:29:54 UTC 2009

On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Max Spevack<mspevack at redhat.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Jul 2009, Adam Miller wrote:
>> Are there any current agenda items we want to start working on or
>> hashing out in terms of future plans, some sort of collaboration
>> efforts for semi-synchronized talks in terms of calendar time as well
>> as content?
> In a general sense, there are a few pieces of information that I am
> interested in:
> (1) To what extent is open source being taught in your lectures?

For the digital forensics "sub department" of computer science there
is a decent amount of information passed on about open source software
but I don't personally know in what level of formality because I've
never taken on of the courses.

Our Software Engineering course that I took were you simulate a
software development team, the professor encourages the use of open
source technologies due to the many merits and benefits they offer to
a development cycle.

> (2) Are there Linux user groups on campus?

Unfortunately, no.

> (3) Is Linux used in the computer science department?

Yes, it is used in a couple ways.

There is a linux powered research lab (currently a combination of
Fedora and Ubuntu going on in there).
The Digital Forensics "DF Tools" course uses a few different
security/forensic related live cds to teach the course
The Operating System course is taught using linux and POSIX.
There is a course called "ANSI C and GNU/Linux" that is an elective
course that teaches different aspects of linux programming.

.... might be a couple more but I can't think of them off the top of
my head. Our department is rather small in comparison to others on
campus but I am trying hard to increase Fedora's use with everyone as
well as spread interest in computer science.

> <snip>


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