[FZH] 本地化翻译和键盘(安装) 测试日- 周四 2010-09-16

He Rui rhe在redhat.com
星期三 九月 15 07:16:18 UTC 2010


明天又到了fedora 测试日。这次是安装过程中的本地化翻译和键盘测试。相信很
多人会用中文安装fedora, 那么请你参加明天的测试日。通过安装F-14-beta-TC1



He Rui

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: He Rui <rhe在redhat.com>
To: test-announce <test-announce在lists.fedoraproject.org>
Cc: Igor Pires Soares <igorsoares在gmail.com>
Subject: Anaconda Translation&Keyboard Test Day - Thursday 2010-09-16
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2010 15:07:21 +0800

Greetings Testers,

Anaconda Translation&Keyboard Test Day is coming up tomorrow:


This day will mainly focus on the translation and keyboard in different
languages during installation. Test cases have been well prepared on the
wiki page with the help of l10n[1] and i18n[2] team, and the steps are
clear for your reference. So if you used to install in your native
language or know a second language besides English, this is an
opportunity to try them out and help discover the issues in this area.  

F-14-beta-TC1 images are available for testing in this event, executing
tests in virtual guest is also acceptable if you don't have extra space
in bare metal. 

The Test Day will run all day in Freenode IRC #fedora-test-day. See you

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10n
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N


FAS Name: Rhe 
Timezone: UTC+8
TEL: 86-010-62608141
IRC nick: rhe #fedora-qa #fedora-zh

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