[FZH] Fwd: f13 => rawhide upgrade notes

Yu Chen jcomee在gmail.com
星期日 九月 26 01:30:46 UTC 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Owen Taylor <otaylor在redhat.com>
Date: 2010/9/26
Subject: f13 => rawhide upgrade notes
To: desktop在lists.fedoraproject.org

Since there is so much that's going to be new in Fedora 15 compared to
Fedora 14 (GNOME 3, GTK+-3, systemd, NetworkManager-0.9, and so on), the
Red Hat desktop team wanted to get an early start on running the new
stuff even before Fedora 14 is out.

So, I spent a few hours last night and this morning upgrading my primary
laptop from Fedora 13 to Rawhide. Generally worked better than I might
have expected... without too much work I got to a system that seems
basically usable.

One big caveat is that the result of a F14 => rawhide upgrade is a messy
hybrid -

$ rpm -qa | grep fc14 | wc -l
$ rpm -qa | grep fc15 | wc -l

It's not nearly a pure F15 system yet.

So, I thought I should dump out notes of the procedure I used and a few
snags I hit to help anybody else on the same path.

Upgrade procedure

Step 1: Used preupgrade to upgrade from f13 to f14
 Worked apparently perfectly, very slick experience

 (Only real wart was that for encrypted root Anaconda has a
 "Enter passphrase to decrypt" [ ] This is a global passphrase"
 dialog, and the "global passphrase" thing is pretty hard to
 understand. "Use this passphrase for all partitions" ? Or just
 try it on the other partitions and ask me then if it
 didn't work?)

Step 2: Installed fedora-release-rawhide, disabled f14, enabled rawhide

Step 3: Switched to a VT and ran 'yum update --skip-broken'

 (I actually first tried 'telinit 3' and that didn't work right - the
 GNOME session was left up, VT's were gone, and the system hung when
 I then tried to reboot. Wonder if something got broken with the
 upstart => systemd => upstart adventure>)

 I had to remove a handful of various packages to get this to work,
 but I think they were all local builds or stuff I installed from 3rd
 party repositories.

Step 4: reboot

  Things were mostly working at this point,

Fixing the result

 * I was left without a link from /usr/bin/emacs-<version>
  to /usr/bin/emacs, so I had to create that manually.

 * gtk3-engines didn't get installed on the upgrade, so I had
  to install that manually.

 * The GTK+ 3 module for ibus seems to be more or less broken.
  I had to remove ibus to get gtk3 applications to run without
  crashing. (Setting /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk-im-module
  to gtk-im-context-simple might have work, but didn't
  immediately seem to for some reason, and I needed to get to
  a less crashy state.)

 * Accessibility modules were producing a ton of bad looking spew
  and dconf-editor had a gail/treeview related crash. I couldn't
  figure out if there is a way of turning off accessibility
  entirely through the new control center, so I turned off
  /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility. Strangely I had to
  log out and log in before GTK+ apps stopped loading the
  accessibility modules. g-s-d bug?

 * All outgoing ssh was hanging - turned out that gnome-keyring-prompt
  was hanging weirdly inside g_once_enter_init(); when I finally
  saw stderr, it was obviously a need for a rebuild because of
  struct size changes in gtk3. So, fired off a rebuild of
  gnome-keyring in koji.

Also noted:

 'killall gnome-settings-daemon' kills nm-applet, and leaves it in a
 state where it doesn't recover even after restarting g-s-d, until
 you log out and log back in. Weird.

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