[fedora-classroom] Ambassadors Tip and Tricks now in Spanish

Neville A. Cross nacross at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 18:57:22 UTC 2010

At the end of today's session "Ambassadors Tips and Tricks" the idea
came up about repeating this session but in Spanish to help out LATAM
ambassadors. The idea is to follow Max's topics and let have a freely
discussion of the issues.

I have already taken the liberty of scheduling the class. Tatica will
be hosting the classroom and I will act as assistant lecturer.
Apparently part of the assistant job is to update the wiki and write
mails ;)

I will wait two days before spreading the work in LATAM ambassadors
list. This will allows to makes changes to schedule if needed by the
coordination of the fedora classroom.

Best regards

Linux User # 473217

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