Hey Cloud SIG, let's start talking about F15.

Garrett Holmstrom gholms at fedoraproject.org
Fri Oct 22 21:23:06 UTC 2010

Robyn Bergeron wrote:
> * BoxGrinder - Marek Goldmann is working on packaging.
> http://www.jboss.org/boxgrinder

We should try getting this working sooner rather than later so we can 
use it for building images in a manner that's easy to include in the 
release process.  The word on the street is that Koji can spin appliance 
images of some sort; perhaps we could leverage that somehow.

> * Eucalyptus - obino has been looking for some mentorship as far as
> packaging goes. If there are folks around to help out with this, I
> think it would be awesome to have as a feature.  Is anyone willing to
> help out here? http://open.eucalyptus.com/

It's a long and obnoxious process to do it the "right" way.  Thankfully 
Eucalyptus is building a dedicated release engineering team whose job 
is, among other things, to make packaging less of a pain.

> Additionally, we probably have further enhancements we could make on
> the EC2 front - namely, having really awesome documentation, which
> Sparks has been poking the list on since he'd love to help us out
> there. What other EC2-related enhancements are there for us to tackle?

I think we should port cloud-init to Fedora so users can configure new 
instances using a popular, existing method that we don't have to build 
from the ground up.  I'm looking into that at the moment; does anyone 
else want to help?

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