[Design-team] Artworks for FAD LinuxDay in Milan

Marina Latini deneb at fedoraproject.org
Tue Aug 28 18:13:31 UTC 2012

Hi all!
The Italian Linux Day[1] is coming on (October 27th).
In Milan will take place a big event[2] and we are organizing a FAD
with talks, booths and practical sessions about translations and

The FAD will take place on Saturday afternoon at the "Politecnico di Milano"[3].
There will be speeches focused on the Project and, in parallel, two
practical sessions about translations and packaging.

All the other informations about the event are here[4]

For the event we need of some Italian artworks for:
*FAD's flyers
*FAD's logo
*FAD's web banner
*Fedora live USB station [5]

I have open the ticket #239 for the artworks.[6]

Have a nice day and happy hacking!

[1] http://www.linuxday.it/
[2] http://www.fsugitalia.org/eventi/doku.php?id=ld:ld12:ld12
[3] http://www.english.polimi.it/
[4] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_LinuxDayMi_2012
[5] ​https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/LiveUsbCreator
[6] https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/239

Marina Latini
Fedora Ambassador: Deneb

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