[Design-team] MyPaint 1.0 is available

Onyeibo Oku twohotis at gmail.com
Tue Jan 10 15:08:32 UTC 2012

Thanks a lot!

from twohot at device.mobile :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Christoph Wickert <christoph.wickert at googlemail.com>
Sender: design-team-bounces at lists.fedoraproject.org
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 14:07:15 
To: Fedora Design Team<design-team at lists.fedoraproject.org>
Reply-To: Fedora Design Team <design-team at lists.fedoraproject.org>
Subject: [Design-team] MyPaint 1.0 is available

Dear Design Team members,

today I have a very special gift for you: MyPaint 1.0. I know that many
of you have been waiting for this one and I'm sorry it took so long, but
I've put a lot of effort into it.

Unfortunately I cannot push it to Fedora 15 or 16 because the UI has
changed and brushes were removed/renamed/updates. This constitutes a
"change in the user experience" which is not allowed by our update
guidelines. I therefor have created a MyPaint repository at 

To get the latest and greatest mypaint, please download
to /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-mypaint.repo and run

        $ yum update mypaint

Rawhide users don't need to do this, they should see 1.0 on the mirrors

Some notes about this release:
      * The "Deevad" brush set was renamed to "Set #2".
      * The "Ramon" set was renamed to "Set#1".
      * I have added the additional Ramon2 brush set.
      * If you order your mypaint package today, you even get the
        "Concept Design" set on top FOR FREE! Can you believe it? ;)
      * If you are missing your favorite brush, download and install the
        "08" package from http://wiki.mypaint.info/Brush_Packages
      * You can change the names and the order of the brushes by editing
      * I am thinking about adding more backgrounds from
        Do you think it is worth it or will the package become to big
        then? It has already become huge in this release, ~ 38 MB.

If you are having any problems with the packages, please let me know.

Kind regards,

P.S.: If somebody wants to become co-maintainer of the package, he is
more than welcome. I really would like to see a designer as additional

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