[Design-team] [Update] Design Software SIG

Christopher Meng cickumqt at gmail.com
Sat Aug 24 09:54:51 UTC 2013

在 2013-8-24 AM2:25,"Luya Tshimbalanga" <luya at fedoraproject.org>写道:
> FAS account will be design-sw and the mailing list design-devel intended
for design related software in review, bugs,, and wishlist for example.

Can you announce this new mailing list on announce list?

> The definite wiki location is
> Interested contributors can add themselves in the member list.
> The packaging section was made simple as possible, the wishlist part is
integrated in Fedora Packaging wishlist while linked into Design Software
wiki including the procedure of reviewing the packages.
> I would like some feedback about the wiki before making an announcement
for modification and proofreading.


Hope more pkgs can be added to that page.
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