[Design-team] About nuancier

Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou at pingoured.fr
Wed Dec 18 15:08:31 UTC 2013

On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 03:24:12PM +0100, S.Kemter wrote:
>    2013/12/18 Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou at pingoured.fr>
>      On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 02:33:17PM +0100, S.Kemter wrote:
>      >    2013/12/18 Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou at pingoured.fr>
>      >      On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 01:40:44PM +0100, S.Kemter wrote:
>      >      >    First of all, I am still not convinced to get the pressure
>      back to
>      >      have an
>      >      >    FAS account for an submission, we agreed for F19 that that
>      would be
>      >      not
>      >      >    necessary but we had no way arround as you need one for the
>      wiki.
>      >      So there
>      >      >    was only two who used the way to send me something and I
>      submitted
>      >      it to
>      >      >    the wiki.
>      >
>      >      Well you can still submit the file in the name of someone else.
>      >
>      >    yeah but you are not the author, so how shall I notice that then?
>      So we actually want to consider the case where:
>      * Joe takes a pictures and puts it on flicker under CC-BY-SA
>      * Jane sees the picture and likes it a lot
>      * Jane wants to submit it to nuancier
>      * Jane does not want to create a FAS account
>      * Jane asks Dave to upload the picture taken by Joe for her
>      ??
>    wowowow, just make it simple possible to submit without FAS account. For
>    F19 we had already the case that somebody submitted the work of somebody
>    else with another license. You always question me, why I have to
>    disqualify if its not correct licensed eg but in this case the author
>    changed the license after an conversation.

I always asked when you spoke about 'ugly' submissions; brand, people, wrong
license, stolen artwork are all fine reasons to reject a submission ;-)

Anyway, back on the subject, would requiring a OpenID be ok?
If so, I'll see what I can do to port nuancier to just require an OpenID.
yahoo, google, FAS all provide OpenID login, but it makes things a little more
tricky to store the submitter.

>      Then the titles becomes "Unicorn rocks pandas-by-mizmo"? And we display
>      it as
>      such?
>    isnt there a difference between file name and name?

There is on the one side the file name which indeed incoporate the submitter's
name. On the other side there is the title (which used to be 'Name') which is
just the title of the artwork, so can be set to anything.

And when looking into this I obviously found a bug ^^.

I was checking that filename and title are unique per election but in fact it's
both (filename and title) that must be unique for an election.
So as long as you and I provide different filename, we may use the same title.
(Fixed and deployed)

Ok, so beside the login question which I'm going to look into, is there anything

Thanks for your feedbacks :)


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